Videos for Learning

Learn from the Best — Advice for Realtors from Realtors

At Florida Realtors, we're dedicated to helping you be the best at your business. That's why we tap top real estate industry leaders to share the secrets to their success. With our Take 5 series, you'll hear advice on everything from marketing and listings to market research and tech trends — from been-there, done-that real estate pros.

Using a Blog to Build Your Real Estate Following

Blogging allows people to get to know you before they meet you. If they like what you are talking about, they may want to do business with you. Many potential customers want local information. These blog visitors want market updates, as well as lifestyle and community information. That means for you, the blogger, it's important to update your blogs regularly to keep people's interest. Watch the video for more tips.

Must-Haves for Today's Real Estate Websites

Internet-savvy buyers and sellers want "great content" — and lots of it — on your home page or toward the top of each page. If they find what they are looking for, they are more likely to do business with you instead of your competitor. Visitors want local lifestyle, community and market information, along with a robust IDX component to compare properties and prices. Also, build a simple contact form so you'll be able to feed visitors with updates. Watch the video for more tips.

How to Establish Relationships With International Buyers

Working with international buyers can be an enriching and lifelong career. It all starts with making connections before doing business. Your Realtor associations — local, state and national — offer networking opportunities, marketing content and course designations to build relationships. Foreign buyers want to get to know you and like you before they will trust you. Use the power of social media to report local market information, which is available free from Florida Realtors. Watch the video for more helpful tips.

How Getting Involved in Your Community Can Help Your Profession

Getting involved in social, political or business groups allows Realtors to bring their unique perspective to the table. They know the lay of the land and advocate for homeownership and healthy communities. Homebuyers benefit from their expertise; communities benefit from their dedication; and Realtors benefit from networking opportunities that open doors to more sales. Watch the video for more tips.