Unlicensed Assistants

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Tasks an Unlicensed Real Estate Assistant Can Legally Perform
The latest from FREC on what help a Realtor can get from an employee or helper who doesn't possess a real estate license.
The Florida Real Estate Commission lists the following activities may be performed by a Realtor's unlicensed employee or assistant:
- Answer the phone and forward calls.
- Submit listings and changes to any multiple listing service.
- Follow up on loan commitments after a contract has been negotiated and generally secure status reports on the loan progress.
- Assemble documents for closing.
- Secure documents (public information) from courthouse, utility district, etc.
- Have keys made for company listings.
- Write ads for approval of licensee and supervision broker, and place advertising (newspaper ads, etc.); prepare flyers and promotional information for approval by licensee and supervising broker.
- Receive, record and deposit earnest money, security deposits, and advance rents.
- Type contract forms for approval by licensee and supervising broker.
- Monitor licenses and personnel files.
- Compute commission checks.
- Place signs on property.
- Order items of repair as directed by the licensee.
- Prepare flyers and promotional information for approval by licensee and supervising broker.
- Act as a courier service to deliver documents.
- Place routine telephone calls on late rent payments.
- Schedule appointments for licensee to show listed property.
- Be at an open house for: a) security purposes b) hand out materials (brochures).
- Answer questions concerning a listing from which the answer must be obtained from licensed employer-approved printed information and is objective in nature (not subjective comments).
- Gather information for a CMA.
- Gather information for an appraisal.
- Hand out objective, written information on a listing or rental. The broker shall foster the education.