
A Look at Florida Realtors Committees

From finances to forms and everything in between, there's a spot where your expertise is needed.

Here's a look at our committees and what they do. (Members can find out the current committee leadership and membership by logging into the Florida Realtors digital Leadership Reference Guide.)

Florida Realtors has three tiers of committees: Permanent Committees, Standing Committees and the Legislative Think Tanks.

  • Permanent Committees include the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Strategic Thinking Committee, Public Policy, Investment and Treasury, and the NAR Strategy Committee.  There are a limited number of spots each year.  
  • Standing Committees are larger and take an in-depth look at core areas of the organization: Communication, Professional Development, Emerging Technologies are a few examples.
  • Legislative Think Tanks strategize on all issues impacting our industry legally and legislatively. 

* committee is auto-populated or is not open for requests to join
** off-cycle committee

Association Governance Committees

Audit Committee** 

Employs a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to provide for an annual audit, oversees the annual audit process, and reviews internal structure and procedures.  Members shall possess general financial literacy; at least one member must have a degree of financial expertise associated with being an executive officer, financial officer, or financial/accounting professional.  No member of the Finance Committee may serve on the Audit Committee in the same year, except for the Treasurer.

Building Committee**

Monitors the physical condition of the association’s building assets in Orlando and Tallahassee and makes recommendations to maintain the properties’ condition in a manner to ensure the highest market value.

Credentials Committee*

Charged with evaluating applications for elected office to determine if the applicant meets all mandatory requirements for office.

District Vice President Information Exchange*

Provides an opportunity for the DVPs to meet and exchange information and ideas.

Executive Committee

Makes recommendations to the board of directors and has full executive power when the board is not in session.

Finance Committee

Recommends procedures to properly finance the association, oversees the maintenance of a three-year budget, manages the association’s assets, suggests regulations for the administration of funds, designates the fiduciary depositories for accounts, and performs those duties as defined by the Activity Budget System.

Investment & Treasury Management Committee**

Oversees investment initiatives and the institutions responsible for handling capital investments and invested reserves, and suggests treasury management regulations for the administration of funds.

Legal Action Fund Committee

Decides in what matters Florida Realtors should assist in legal actions and in distributing funds to support litigation that has significance to members, to private property rights or to the real estate profession as a whole; decisions subject to Executive Committee approval.

Past Presidents Advisory Council*

Gives support, advice and counsel to the Florida Realtors president on issues of concern to the association.

Strategic Planning Committee

To develop a Strategic Plan with Mission Statement, Vision, Values and Objectives. To identify and gather data that may affect Florida Realtors® future, and to monitor and research threats, opportunities, key trends and issues particularly from the field that may impact the industry, our members, the Association, and the real estate consumer. To create and deliver a report(s) of their findings (including supporting materials) to the Leadership Team.

Realtor Advocacy Committees

Florida Realtors PAC Trustees

Makes contributions to political candidates, committees and activities consistent with federal and state election laws.

Issues Mobilization Committee**

Oversees and makes funding decisions for the issues mobilization fund; the funds are available to financially assist local associations on issues they deem to be important in protecting and promoting Realtor member and/or property owner interests in their market area. 

Legislative Think Tank 

A direct opportunity for member grassroots engagement in issues of public policy that are important to Florida Realtors and owners of private property.  Members of the following breakout groups are also members of the Legislative Think Tank.

  • Appraisal Breakout Group - Provides appraisal members an opportunity to discuss legislative and regulatory issues that affect their business.
  • Attainable/Workforce Housing Breakout Group - Monitors and analyzes current and prospective state housing issues affecting the ability of our state’s workforce (i.e. police, firefighters, teachers and nurses) to develop policies on affordable housing in the communities in which they work.
  • HOA-Condo Breakout Group To monitor HOA and Condominium activity, to review and evaluate Florida Realtors policies pertaining to HOA and condos.
  • Insurance Breakout Group - Studies the state insurance market and recommends legislative and regulatory strategies to ensure that real property insurance and health insurance is available and affordable. 
  • Land Use, Prop Rights, and Sustainable Dev Breakout Group Monitors legislative activities regarding private property rights and smart growth initiatives, provides strategic direction to influence public policy on the development, sale, transfer and value of real estate, such as indoor air quality (e.g., asbestos, radon), hazardous substances, wetlands, and coastal development, lead-based paint, flood plain management, and the availability and protection of water supplies.
  • Legislative and Regulatory Business Issues Breakout Group  - Identifies, monitors and analyzes legislative, regulatory and judicial issues that impact REALTORS® and their business operations; recommends legislative, regulatory and judicial strategies to further REALTOR® interests.
  • Legislative and Regulatory Research Breakout Group  Initiates economic and legislative real estate research that will enable Florida Realtors to serve as a resource to its members, legislators and consumers. 
  • Property Management Breakout Group Provides property management members with an opportunity to discuss legislative and regulatory issues that affect their business.
  • Resort and Second Home Specialist Breakout Group Informs and educates members who have an interest or expertise in resort real estate property sales, leasing, management and development the opportunity to exchange and gather valuable information.
  • State and Local Taxation Breakout Group - Develops policy on all matters of state taxation affecting real estate; coordinates with the Legislative & Regulatory Business Issues Subcommittee in developing policy on tax matters that affect member’s business operations.

Public Advocacy Advisory Group**

Advises the Florida Realtors president on legislative and regulatory issues, including those requiring expenditures from the Advocacy Fund, while the Legislature is in session and between the board of directors meetings.

Public Policy Committee

Coordinates and refines policy developed on legislative and regulatory issues; discusses, reports, and recommends action on matters of legislation and regulation as they affect the real estate profession, private property rights and other issues it determines proper; recommends Florida Realtors positions on public policy issues.

Realtor Party Member Involvement Committee

Tasked with organizing a strategic, coordinated effort to set and monitor the Florida Realtors PAC fundraising, recognition events and participation goals. Further, to have oversight of the Major Investor (MI) Recognition Subcommittee, Participation Subcommittee, and the Fundraising Subcommittee.

  • Fundraising Subcommittee Promote PAC fundraising by encouraging investment from all members; provide and compile reports to PAC-related staff on local events; seek opportunities for engagement, and grant utilization. The subcommittee is also responsible for oversight of biannual, statewide auctions and other PAC related activities in coordination with the Florida Realtors PAC Trustees and local board Realtor PAC Chairs.
  • Major Investors Recognition Subcommittee - To recognize and increase REALTOR® participation in all levels of PAC Major Investor Program: Sterling R; Crystal R; Golden R and President's Circle. To set benchmarks for successful recognition programs, and to offer a menu of options for MI’s.
  • Participation Subcommittee - To increase overall REALTOR® participation at all levels of the PAC. To review participation and fundraising results of the Broker Involvement Program's grassroots; identify prospective brokers to recruit into the broker program's fundraising campaigns; present brokers with content to discuss "best practices" for raising PAC funds and investing in the profession; create networking opportunities to share ideas, successes, challenges, and plans to achieve RPAC fundraising goals.

Key Contacts Subcommittee 

Educates and mobilizes REALTOR® grassroots at all levels (local, state and federal) with the goal of advancing our Associations public policy priorities. Provides input on Great American REALTOR® Days to the GARD Forum as well as suggestions and input regarding their experiences with the NAR Midyear Hill Visits.

Top 100 Brokers Committee* **

Develops ongoing initiative that develops legislative strategy, identifies the services, tools and strategic relationships that expand and enhance the business interests of our top Designated REALTORS®.

Programs and Services Committees

Board Certified Professional Trustee Group

The Board Certified Professional Trustee Group is an advisory group that oversees the Board Certified Endorsed Professional program.  The purpose of the Group is to oversee the entire Board Certified program and maintain all facets of the application and interview process, in addition to determining the roll out of sub-segments of the endorsement (Broker, Commercial, etc.).

Communications Committee

Promotes the activities and professional stature of Florida Realtors and its members, protects and enhances the term “Realtor®” and publicizes various statewide functions of the association. Manages the Awards Program; promotes participation by Florida Realtors, boards/associations and members in civic affairs.

Convention Committee

Serve as marketers of the convention and to help increase attendance. Provide member input into content/potential speakers for education sessions in order to present innovative and industry-relevant programming. Committee members will also serve as ambassadors of the association during convention. The ambassador role includes on-site support in the form of greeting attendees, answering questions and taking tickets for special events. 

Emerging Technology Committee

Provides insight and product ideas for the next generation of REALTOR-centric technology tools for Florida Realtor members. 

Professional Development Committee

Furthers cooperation between statewide educational programs; plans and executes the Graduate Realtor Institute (GRI) and similar programs, assists and supports local boards’ educational programming.

  • Curriculum Subcommittee Reviews curriculum content; approves new curriculum; oversees the CE Express Program and curriculum policies.
  • Education Directors Subcommittee - Assists Florida Realtors in promoting sound, efficient and progressive education practices, acts as an advisory group from the local education director perspective. This subcommittee is comprised of the local board/association education directors. 
  • Faculty Subcommittee - Assists Florida Realtors in promoting sound, efficient and progressive education practices, acts as an advisory group from the faculty perspective.  This subcommittee is comprised of Florida Realtors faculty members.
  • Program Development Subcommittee Oversees the Instructor Development Program and instructor audition processes for GRI and CE Express; oversees faculty policies and procedures.

Research Advisory Committee

Recommends products and services to meet member and local association data analysis needs in local markets, as well as recommends statewide products for research and development. Assists in planning the Florida Real Estate Trends summit.

Law and Policy Committees

Forms Content 

Provides members direct input into the development of Florida Realtors business forms. Members can suggest modification, creation, deletion or addition of business forms.

Local Board/Association Attorneys Council*

Informs and discusses issues and practices relating to the real estate transaction and the cooperative role of attorneys and Realtors; exchanges and disseminates legal and policy information beneficial to boards/associations. 

MLS Administrators Information Exchange*

Offers an opportunity to discuss ideas and issues relating to MLS operations and services.

Realtor/Attorney Joint Committee**

Promotes cordial relations between Realtors and attorneys; provides the opportunity to review and update the Florida Realtors/BAR Contract for Sale and Purchase and any appropriate riders.

Member Involvement Committees

Board Leadership Forum*

Encourages the exchange of ideas and information among local board/association leaders.

Florida NAR Directors Committee*

Allows NAR directors representing Florida the ability to stay informed about issues at NAR and their impact on Florida Realtors, its members and the state of Florida.

Board Certified Trustees

Provide oversight over the program and review applications and conduct interviews.

Leadership Academy Committee

Interviews and selects candidates for the academy as well as promotes and provides an educational program to enhance the skills of potential leaders.

NAR Strategy Committee

Provides direction and recommends support of NAR issues and candidates for NAR office to the NAR Directors from Florida; when applicable, interviews and provides recommendations on NAR Director Candidates to the Nominating Committee; contributes to the influence and shaping of policy and the mission of NAR by recommending Florida members for committee service and assisting in their advancement at NAR.

NAR Director Mentoring Subcommittee

Strengthen and elevate the level of credibility, respect, influence and effectiveness of our Florida NAR Directors. It is intended to help prepare our Directors to effectively articulate and discuss issues being debated and to knowledgeably help shape policy at the national level that impacts the daily business lives of all NAR members. This subcommittee is comprised of qualified Mentee applicants and available Mentors.

Young Professionals Network (YPN) Advisory Committee

Provides direction and strategy in determining the communication, information and education necessary to reach out to young professional members and provide an opportunity for direct input to Florida Realtors. 

Diversity Committee  

Develops and recommends policies promoting equal opportunity in housing and diversity within the real estate industry, identifies the concerns and needs of members and develops actions to address those needs.

Community Engagement Committee

Works to increase participation and events for the Clean Up Florida Waters by partnering with the District Vice Presidents, association executives and local board leadership in their district. The committee members will connect with local associations throughout the year to help educate on how to create waterway clean-up events as well as collect reports on events for promotional efforts.

Real Estate Specialties Committees

Association Executives Council*   

Assists Florida Realtors in promoting sound, efficient and progressive practices in the administration and management of boards/associations.

Commercial Alliance Committee

Provides commercial practitioners an opportunity to discuss issues that affect their business and ability to do business; serves as a mechanism for input to Florida Realtors regarding the development of legislative initiatives and contract development as they relate to commercial real estate practitioners.

Global Business Committee

Analyzes and develops policy on global issues; creates mechanisms to serve the specialized needs of members globally and to position Florida Realtors globally as the most influential and authoritative representative of the Florida real estate business and profession.

Governmental Affairs Directors Subcommittee

Advances the public policy agenda of the real estate profession through education and professional development opportunities for professional staff, networking opportunities, providing advice and input as requested to the Association Executives, task forces, and staff of Florida REALTORS® and providing an avenue for communication between and among the Government Affairs Directors and the Florida REALTORS.  This subcommittee is comprised of local board/association government affairs directors.


Disaster Relief Fund

Trustees work to raise and distribute funds for members of the Realtor family who have experienced substantial damage or loss to their residence or office due to a natural disaster.

Florida Realtors Education Foundation

Trustees provide, fund, administer and implement real estate-related scholarships.

Homeownership For All

Trustees oversee the “Support Homeownership for All” license plate funds that provide foundations and other groups with resources and support to take the initiative to address affordable housing issues in Florida. Proceeds are used to fund programs that provide and promote affordable housing in Florida.

Silent Angels*

Provide funds, supplies, and services to individuals who are making a determined effort, yet are financially needy or otherwise distressed.