Videos for Learning

Learn from the Best — Advice for Realtors from Realtors

At Florida Realtors, we're dedicated to helping you be the best at your business. That's why we tap top real estate industry leaders to share the secrets to their success. With our Take 5 series, you'll hear advice on everything from marketing and listings to market research and tech trends — from been-there, done-that real estate pros.

How to Cut Thousands of Dollars in Direct Mail Costs

Are you looking to save money on direct mailing? With the U. S. Postal Service's Every Door Direct Mail option, you can save half the cost per mailing, and you won't pay for a mailing list. On the down side, the addressed mailer won't include the homeowner's name. To personalize your mailing, adjust the content to focus on the target market. Watch the video for more tips.

How to Fire Underperforming Real Estate Associates

A broker's livelihood depends on a team of productive salespeople. That's the bottom line. Sometimes that means you will have to fire a non-productive associate. The key to that conversation is to be respectful and firm. Keep the exchange brief, explaining that the working relationship is just not a good fit. It's not personal. It's business. Yes, you are shutting one door but also allowing that person to open another. Watch the video for more tips.

How Property Managers Can Handle — and Prevent — Conflicts

A property manager's job is to meet the needs of both the owner and the tenant, with the emphasis on the financial relationship with the owner. With a system in place, there is less room for conflict. Set standards with the owner in the beginning of the business relationship so there are no surprises. For example, discuss issues such as "wear and tear," fair housing laws and a system in which the owners will get paid their rental proceeds. Watch the video for more tips.

The People You Need on Your Global Real Estate Dream Team

Building a dream team to advise global customers in all phases of the transaction is a win-win deal for Realtors and buyers. The team should consist of bilingual professionals who also understand the culture. In the mix, include an accountant who can explain tax structures, an immigration attorney, an estate attorney and loan experts. Also, consider investing in the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation to broaden your network. Watch the video for more tips.

Shadow Your Favorite Realtor to Learn Their Secrets to Success

You can really profit from shadowing a successful Realtor! Consider choosing a non-competing broker or Realtor in a different market and location. It's as simple as finding someone you admire and giving him or her a call. You'll be surprised how receptive people are. I spent two days shadowing the broker and her team. The takeaways gave me ideas on how to realign my marketing dollars and coach my team. The bottom line is we're all making more money. Watch the video for more tips.

The Financing Secret Savvy Investors Use to Buy Properties

For Realtors who are looking to invest in real estate or help customers find innovative ways to finance properties, consider a self-directed IRA. Start with consulting a tax advisor who can explain the legal requirements and restrictions associated with this type of investment. The program isn't for everyone, although savvy investors are successful in this endeavor. Watch the video for more tips.

Grow Your Brand With Internet Radio

BlogTalkRadio is a popular Internet venue Realtors can use to build a local customer base and a referral network. The goal is to brand yourself as a real estate expert who is involved in the community. A broader audience listens if your level of expertise goes beyond real estate. Think about local and national trends, and mix those topics with local housing information. Don't stop there. Market your shows to the world via social media. Watch the video for more tips

Maximize Your Time With Out-of-Town Prospects

Out-of-town prospects usually fall into two categories — first-time visitors and those ready to buy. For first-time visitors, think of yourself as a tour guide and concierge. These potential buyers want to know if a particular locale meets their lifestyle expectations. Spend more time showing them the area rather than home shopping. Returning customers or investors require a different level of service, which focuses on the property search and writing an offer to purchase. Watch the video for more tips.