Videos for Learning

Learn from the Best — Advice for Realtors from Realtors

At Florida Realtors, we're dedicated to helping you be the best at your business. That's why we tap top real estate industry leaders to share the secrets to their success. With our Take 5 series, you'll hear advice on everything from marketing and listings to market research and tech trends — from been-there, done-that real estate pros.

Is Your Business Vulnerable to 'Patent Trolls'?

Your business remains vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits unless Congress takes action. “Patent trolls” put you in the crosshairs for possible litigation for allegedly infringing on a patent. NAR has already spent more than $7.5 million to settle a lawsuit over the use of mapping functions used by local MLSs. Click on this Call to Action link and tell your lawmakers to stop patent trolls. Please seize this opportunity, and do it now!

What Realtors Need to Know Before a Foreign Trade Mission

In-person conversations and meetings are your goals when attending international trade missions. One way to set up connections is to register early. See who’s on the attendees’ and Expo list. Send out emails and make plans to connect with these contacts at the event. Plan strategically and you’ll build a pipeline to the international real estate market. Watch the video for more tips.

Be a Real Estate Problem Solver — No Matter How Big the Challenge

Being a problem solver is all about paying attention to the personalities involved in the transaction and helping them find a solution that feels good. Take your emotions out of it, listen closely and find the common ground the parties need to resolve their issue. Most people are more likely to accept a solution if they are informed and involved in the process rather than being told what to do. Watch the video for more tips.

The Secret to Converting Real Estate Leads Into Sales

Increasing lead conversion from the national average of 1 percent to 5 percent or higher is definitely possible. It starts with building and managing a system that includes choosing a team to contact leads, picking the right automated database software for drip marketing, and following through by phone. Conversion is the key. The secret to success is to have willing agents make those phone calls, or have a department that makes the calls for agents. Watch the video for more tips.

Marketing Tips to Help Your Commercial Properties Sell

The key to successfully marketing commercial properties is to spend wisely and target carefully. First, calculate the commission potential on a property. This will determine your marketing budget. For example, with retail, you’re looking for tenants; and CoStar’s tenant list is a good lead generator. Another tactic is to contact the national headquarters of the business you think would fit the space. Finally, don’t underestimate the value of networking in the community. Watch the video for more tips.

Escrow Basics Every Realtor Needs to Know

Following a few basic steps can avoid problems for property managers before they accept security deposit money. First, know the laws. Next, set up a separate trust account for security deposits. Also, keep the landlord in the loop and communicate your policies and procedures for security deposits with them. Watch the video for more tips.

The Must-Know Pitfalls of 'Pocket Listings' and 'Coming Soon'

Non-MLS listings, or pocket listings, are not illegal or unethical when directed by the seller, but they do carry additional complications. Before taking or encouraging a non-MLS listing, a Realtor should evaluate the property and make sure that leaving it out of the MLS is the right decision for the seller. Also, taking a listing and putting a “coming soon” sign on the property for a week or so before actively marketing it in the MLS is most likely a violation of your listing agreement and possibly a violation of the Code of Ethics. 

Margy Grant – The New Normal for How Listings Are Syndicated

Effective April 7, 2015, Zillow and Trulia will no longer receive direct feeds of real estate listings from ListHub, which has been a primary source of syndication. Zillow Group is currently in discussions with all MLSs in Florida to identify how listings may or may not continue to be sent to Zillow and Trulia. Most agreements will result in data continuing to be supplied to the Zillow Group sites, however each agreement is different. Watch the video for an explanation of these processes.