Videos for Learning

Learn from the Best — Advice for Realtors from Realtors

At Florida Realtors, we're dedicated to helping you be the best at your business. That's why we tap top real estate industry leaders to share the secrets to their success. With our Take 5 series, you'll hear advice on everything from marketing and listings to market research and tech trends — from been-there, done-that real estate pros.

Bring Your Neighborhood Marketing Videos to Life

Videos that describe neighborhoods are great marketing tools for potential customers, and very search friendly on Google. Creating videos doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. A DIY approach can be casual and as simple as focusing on market stats such as sales and amenities. One person shoots the video and another person talks while walking through the neighborhood. Watch the video for more tips.

How to Build Your Business Through a Better Database

A database with contact information is an important lead generation tool. Bigger doesn’t always mean better, though. Limit the list to potential customers who meet specific criteria. It’s more productive to communicate more frequently with fewer people. Create action plans for specific groups — and then watch your business grow. Watch the video for more tips.

What YOU Need to Know to Master the Condo-Selling Market

Helping customers buy condos requires a lot of information gathering, especially when a property is financed through a lender. First, find out if the buyers are investors or full-time residents. Will they need a mortgage? Then compare properties that fit those needs and read the condo association documents. With these answers in place, you can help buyers match financing and investment goals. Watch the video for more tips.

Social Media Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Brokers

A social media marketing campaign increases your company’s value proposition to consumers and agents. For instance, use LinkedIn to connect with past clients as well as agents and brokers from other companies. For your current sales staff, create a marketing package that solidifies your brand and gives agents free content to share in their social circles. Watch the video for more tips.

How Realtors Can Protect Themselves During Showings

Staying safe means being prepared before, during and after meeting with customers. Before a showing, get the customer’s driver ID and send that information, along with the property address, to your office or a buddy. During the showing, if something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and use any excuse to get away. Also, don’t give out personal information. Instead, use your cell phone and business address. Watch the video for more tips.

How To Prepare an Appraisal Package in Just 15 Minutes

Appraisers’ roles have evolved, particularly since Dodd-Frank. Agents also must be advocates for the transaction so that a credible appraisal can be performed. Agents can help by preparing an appraisal package. Include MLS and tax roll information, photos and unique aspects about the property. Work together to anticipate and prevent problems during the process.