News Archive

Reach more global buyers and build your referral network by joining — and participating — in specialized Facebook Groups.


Hommati offers 3D virtual tours and walk-throughs using an app available on the App Store and Google Play.


Haven't claimed your Google My Business account yet? This FREE listing profile can help you connect with prospects, cultivate a customer base and improve your ranking in the search engine.


How to build a real estate referral network and sphere of influence that work for you. 


Who doesn’t want to work smarter, not harder? If you’re ready to boost your income, read on!


Do you dread tax time? You’re not alone. Experts explain how Realtors like you can pay less to Uncle Sam. Oh, happy day!


Appreciation marketing helps build better relationships with prospects and clients. Here are the secrets to making it work for your real estate business.


Podcasting can be a super marketing and branding tool for reaching a wider real estate audience. Here’s how one Realtor is rocking the platform.


Out-of-state buyers worried about Florida’s unusual creatures? We’ve got some facts you can use to ease their concerns.


Reaching real estate customers looks a whole lot different these days. Here are strategies that work. Plus: six community marketing ideas you can use RIGHT NOW.
