News Archive

Historic rental increases couldn’t continue forever. The addition of more units and drop in new residents has weakened demand and dinged rental prices.


The increase breaks a pattern of declines, says Florida Realtors Chief Economist O’Connor, as prices rose 1.3%. For 3Q 2023, though, sales were down 3.2%.


Median home prices rose 2.8% year-to-year under NAR’s seasonally adjusted formula, and the inventory of unsold existing homes climbed 2.7% month-to-month.


One day this won’t be true as artificial intelligence (AI) improves, but most computer-generated content currently has some traits that say, “Hey, I’m from AI.”


On Oct. 24 at 1 p.m., FREC will focus on foreign buyer “Affidavits of Buyers of Property” and broker-held escrow deposits. The public is invited, virtually or in-person.


Do buyers have a right to know that a listing comes with a ghost? In Fla., probably not – but states’ laws vary on what ghost-adverse buyers deserve to know.


An oversight tool that connects all tech formats has not yet been perfected. And while some agents live off technology, others largely ignore it.


Frustrated with the lack of existing-home inventory, more buyers turned to new construction in Sept. despite mortgage rates that topped 7%.


If you can tell what’s trending by looking at the words becoming more common in listings, expect demand for brutalism, sensory pathways and cold plunge pools.


First-timers, new to the process, want to cross all T’s and dot all I’s. Scammers use this to trick real estate novices into doing unwise things.
