News Archive

The modest sales growth nationally (1.6%) demonstrates the slow and steady progress in the market. Contract signings also climbed in the South month over month.


Earn your share of the global real estate business by building relationships, and use targeted marketing efforts to offer value and make connections.


Frank E. Kowalski, the 2005 Florida Realtors president and founder and CEO of Metro Dade Realty in Miami, had a 52-year career defined by a spirit of service.


Your website is often the first time consumers will meet you. You should demonstrate personality and expertise using a .realtor domain and website.


Real estate leaders in Florida and Argentina “affirm the value of international collaboration” and will seek mutually beneficial opportunities for their members.


A new study found young homebuyers are twice as likely to use family money for down payment than they were five years ago. A majority still work for the money.


Real estate transactions are attractive targets for money laundering. Here’s how to spot some red flags.


The area that includes Florida saw a .6% decline in seasonally adjusted monthly home prices from December 2023 to January 2024. Home prices in the same area increased 6.1% year over year.


Geopolitical, economic and financial trends continue to impact the flow of inbound global buyers. Find out what’s new.

Published: found the week of April 14 will be the best time to sell due to the mix of marketing conditions. Sellers on a national level could get $34,000 more than at the start of the year.
