News Archive

Give back all year to thank the community. Here’s how one broker does it.


Ian and Nicole victims who were forced to find temporary quarters for 30 days may qualify for a property tax discount under a law the Fla. Legislature passed in Dec.


FHA lowered its mortgage-insurance premium for borrowers by 30 basis points. The $117 monthly savings is based on a $467.7K home with 3.5% down.


Try these four social media strategies to get your real estate marketing in front of the audience you're looking for.


It’s tough to launch a new business or rise in the ranks – but not just for you. It’s not success if your family doesn’t pick up slack and cheer from the sidelines.


Americans lost an average 4.9% of their home equity since June ($2.3T). But many Fla. metros bucked the loss trend, with Miami up 19.7% year over year ($77B).


Some concepts like “How to buy a home” are complicated. Infographics save agents time by laying out interweaving multiple steps in an easy-to-read format.


Higher deductibles usually kick in for hurricane damage, but a policy often includes tropical storms that have been downgraded from hurricane status.


The U.S. has now seen home sales drop 12 months in a row, even as median sales prices continue to rise along with the number of for-sale homes on the market.


Florida Realtors: Jan. closed single-family sales fell 32.5% as inflation, higher interest rates eroded demand, but for-sale inventory rose 134.2% to a 2.8-months’ supply.
