News Archive

Middle-aged adults often take in older parents facing health problems, but the “reverse boomerang” effect helps with both childcare and living expenses.


Overall, Jan. new-home sales rose 7.2%, but the South’s 17.1% carried the three other areas that saw a decline. The Northeast saw the biggest drop at 19.4%.


High-end clients want luxury agents – or at least agents that look like they are. Your personal brand should suggest luxury as you attend charity events or galas.


In general, technology simplifies complicated tasks. It’s doing that now with writing, and it’s expected to soon speed up the mortgage-approval process.


Why hire a Realtor? NAR has a long-running advertising campaign to answer that, with its fifth series of ads focusing on the ways Realtors are “here for it all.”


Buyers and sellers are looking for Realtors with savvy social media video skills — and these are the types of real estate videos that get their attention.


Today’s market requires new responses to buyers’ and sellers’ questions and concerns. Be prepared.


Zombie homes – vacant foreclosures after owners walked away – rose 5.4% in 1Q 2023, but only 1 out of 12,415 U.S. homes is vacant and in foreclosure.


Fla. lawmakers passed a bill last year that tightened condo safety requirements, and they’re now considering a slightly lower bar for some of the toughest new rules.


Take some tips from these real estate professionals who know what it takes to find and leverage an ideal niche.
