News Archive

As millennials settle down and have children, they purchase homes that can accommodate growth. In S. Fla, millennials spend about 2.4% more than the average buyer.


Many homeowners would like to sell – to upsize or downsize – and their choice to postpone it often boils down to “it just doesn’t feel like the right time.”


Testimonials and reviews strengthen your creditability. Start by making it very, very easy for customers to provide a review, perhaps right after closing.


Report: Surging rents once convinced investors to overpay for apartment buildings, but as rent increases eased and interest rates rose, values dropped 21% year-to-year.


Realtor income can fluctuate regardless of the market. Managing properties can offset that rich-poor cycle, and even net an agent valuable leads for future home sales.


When the pandemic hit, vacation sales soared until mortgage rates rose and fewer owners listed their homes. The result: Second-home mortgage-rate locks are down 52%.


Citizens – the Fla.-owned insurer of last resort – says policyholders don’t need to worry about passing deadlines if the vendor overseeing claims causes communication delays.


Local zoning generally cedes more space to single-family homes than multifamily, HUD says, and it’s releasing new data that backs up recommendations for change.


RE usually sees cycles between buyer’s and seller’s markets, but this time it’s a bit different. Supply vs. demand hasn’t changed because both sides pulled back.


A COVID-pushed trend, “functional décor,” has driven many people to put a sofa bed in their living room and convert little-used guest rooms for other functions.
