News Archive

Study: March asking rents fell 0.4% to $1,937 year-to-year, the lowest level in 13 months. But 4 Fla. cities in the study saw increases ranging from 0.7% to 3.9%.


Agents can maximize referrals and the number of returning customers if they can get current customers to say, “They’re nice and I trust them.”


A weather system stalled and dumped 25-plus inches of rain in S. Fla. Realtor-family members can seek help through Florida Realtors Disaster Relief Fund.


The pandemic pushed many stuck-at-home owners to remodel, and a fear of losing ultra-low mortgage rates is now convincing some to upgrade rather than sell.


The Senate unanimously passed a bill that eases the timeline for condo inspections. It now goes to the House and, if passed there, to Gov. DeSantis for his signature.


In Feb., inflation was 6%. Gas and food prices moderated, but services – rents, restaurant meals, haircuts, auto insurance, etc. – continue to rise.


Perfect marketing tools don’t exist, but more than 55% of all potential buyers who start with a Google search end up watching a YouTube video.


Broadband in Fla.’s semi-rural areas could jumpstart home sales, notably for work-from-home buyers seeking affordability. To date, 64 areas are slated to be connected.


A survey found that 84% of sellers who closed within the past two years cite at least one of four mistakes, including pricing incorrectly and ignoring curb appeal.


Florida Realtors economist: Florida remains a hotspot for international buyers and sellers, with a slight rebound in activity in 2022. However, constraints remain.
