News Archive

Observers looked for clues on whether the Fed will raise interest rates again later this year, and the Fed seemed to imply it was likely, but not a sure thing.


The index that tracks more than half of all U.S. mortgages found continued price stabilization. Month-to-month prices rose only 0.7%.


The leader’s goal is a “mutually beneficial relationship on trust and confidence that no one can replace” at each step of an agent’s business lifecycle.


Confident Americans spend money, and July’s confidence index rose to 117.0 from 110.1 in June. Outlooks rose for both current conditions and future expectations.


If you only use one text-format social media platform, should it be the new Threads or Twitter – or “X” due to the recent name change. Both have pros and cons.


Housing recoveries often trail recessions, and positive signs – builder optimism, rebounding prices, more investment – suggest a corner may have been turned.


Panhandle communities – maybe a dozen along Highway 30A – became hot commodities after another uptick in pandemic tourists visited for the first time.


The company is now Fla.’s second-largest private insurer, and its promise to stay in Fla. is a positive sign for an industry that's had few good signs lately.


Just as “the wand chooses the wizard” in Harry Potter world, personal brands often focus on something a Realtor already does or a lifestyle they already enjoy.


Florida Realtors wants your opinion: Should the association advocate for a new state license plate tag specific to Realtors – one with the Realtor ‘R’  logo? Vote now.
