News Archive

Start with local research. What words to buyers use most often when searching for a home? What words are within listings that see the most clicks?


While $1M signified luxury property a short while ago, it’s now 8% of the nation’s housing stock – but a large percentage of those homes are still in Pacific Coast states.


The number of completed foreclosures rose 4% month-to-month, but Attom says the “housing market remains in flux” – they could go back up or keep dropping.


The Florida Real Estate Commission took the first steps to create a new rule by offering preliminary, rough-draft language and opening the rule for development.


Overall, though, U.S. home prices dropped 2.4% year-to-year because total declines outweighed increases. Still, 5% of markets saw double-digit price increases.


The average rate on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage rose for the third week in a row, up from last week’s average 6.90%. A year ago, it was 5.22%.


If 9 out of 10 buyers start by typing “How do I buy a home?” into a search engine, it’s worth spending money to make sure your agency’s name is near the top.


Nine states, including Fla., have challenged flood insurance Risk Rating 2.0 in court. This week, the U.S. urged a judge to deny their preliminary injunction request.


A series of workshops – called Boot Camps – will help public agencies and VA medical centers help homeless veterans more quickly move to permanent housing.


Start with core values – but importantly, write them down to create a clear guide for the agency’s direction. It also helps keep everyone onboard if you make them short.
