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The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation says changes passed by the Fla. Legislature have attracted new insurers and removed 280K policies from Fla.-owned Citizens.


NAHB’s Aug. index fell 6 points to 50 – the break-even point between optimism and pessimism – based on higher mortgage rates and increased construction costs.


A comparison of teacher salaries to home values within 20 minutes of work found a high of 18% affordable in Fort Lauderdale and Jacksonville but only 4% in Miami.


New buyers often ask similar questions, and an AI virtual assistant – not unlike ones used by some companies in online “Chats” – are handling the more basic queries.


NAHB’s 2Q comparison of selling prices ($388,000, nationally) to median incomes ($96,300) found only 40.5% of U.S. residents can afford a home at that price.


Texas had 3 cities in the top 10, but Jacksonville hit No. 9 with its “bounty of BBQ restaurants.” It beat out Tampa (No. 15), Orlando (No. 17) and Miami (No. 47).


It’s not just the house: Some neighborhoods offer more opportunities. In Fla., the home price difference between high- and low-opportunity areas runs as high as 64%.


Start with local research. What words to buyers use most often when searching for a home? What words are within listings that see the most clicks?


While $1M signified luxury property a short while ago, it’s now 8% of the nation’s housing stock – but a large percentage of those homes are still in Pacific Coast states.


Investors bid up prices for multifamily properties during the pandemic, and that debt will soon cost even more after higher interest rates affect loan rates.
