Legal News Archive

The Drive With NAR podcast series now includes episodes that cover the proposed settlement agreement. NAR is also offering its ABR designation course for free.


A lawsuit says a state law restricting property ownership by people from China and six other countries is “based on stereotyped and xenophobic generalizations.”


The changes were reviewed by the MLS Emerging Issues and Technology Advisory Board and adopted by the NAR Leadership Team.


Mediation opens the door to resolving some real estate contract disputes. Here's a look at how it works — and how can help you.


In the continuing legal battle over permitting authority for wetlands, Florida said a district court judge’s decision “eviscerates Florida’s sovereign interests.”


While there are ways to reduce liability using a variety of contract clauses, it’s impossible to eliminate all of it. Drafting contract clauses requires detailed knowledge, skill and research.


How should neighbors deal with unruly tenants in a townhome community? Focus on the individuals causing the problem.


A listing broker did not provide legal advice but got in trouble with the Code when they failed to affirmatively recommend the buyer consult their own attorney.


The National Association of Realtors was among the organizations that filed amicus briefs in support of property owners' rights.


Is someone representing themselves as a licensed real estate agent when they’re not? Should you file a complaint? Read how to handle it.
