13 Ways to Close 10 Deals Before the End of the Year!
Plan out your schedule now to give you the best chance to end the year profitably.
Finish this year strong! Don’t wait until the calendar flips to get into action. We’ll show you how with some key strategies you can deploy immediately.
The Florida median sales price for single-family existing homes in June was $427,000. We think it’s entirely possible to close 10 deals by year’s end. In fact, some of you will close even more, depending on your average sales price and what you’ve already got in the pipeline!
Once you’ve done this the first time, you’ll then “lather, rinse and repeat!” Imagine if you had this type of production every quarter.
Decide now when you’ll start your fourth quarter sales streak. Chart it on your calendar and count workdays versus nonwork days. Take into consideration holidays and travel. Realize that a 90-day period, especially in the fourth quarter, typically consists of just 60 to 70 workdays when you take out holidays and some weekends, so you’ll need to be extra committed on these days.
Now, it’s time to actively contact both people you already know as well as those you don’t know. Past customers, people in your sphere of influence and agent referrals, otherwise known as your database.
Look at where your business came from last year. If you had five transactions from repeat customers, but you didn’t have a system to speak with your database regularly, how many more repeat customers could you create this year by being more drilled down on that source of business?
An agent who has a 200-person database may speak to all 200 of those contacts by the end of the year by making five contacts each workday.
What to do now to sell more homes
Remember, you’re focused mainly on listings because listings will automatically create buyers for you.
1. Provide a home valuation estimate.
How many people in your database know what their home is worth in today’s market? It’s your job to let them know. If they knew they could get $X for their home, netting them $Y, what would that do to their plans?
2. Ask them questions.
How many people in your database are inheriting property they need to sell, relocating, becoming empty nesters or having a baby? How many of them are first-time buyers or have first-time-buyer kids ready to pounce on the newest inventory?
3. Seek out expired listings.
Figure out who in your area has to sell. These are the listings you’re looking for. There’s been a big increase in expired listings recently due to “aspirational pricing” and the increased competition creating longer days on the market. Some of those sellers absolutely must sell and are already setting up listing appointments to choose their next agent.
4. Call on new-build salespeople.
These are the salespeople who sit in the builder’s model homes and write up all those new-construction contracts. When someone builds with them, and they have a home to sell, what happens to that lead? This is a fantastic source of business, because you can have one new-build salesperson send you multiple leads yearly. What if you had five new-build salesperson relationships?
5. Visit For Sale By Owners (FSBOs).
There are always plenty of unrepresented owners who need your help. Most of them give up on the process when the home is not sold in the first few months. There are luxury-priced unrepresented owners in today’s market, as well. This is a great opportunity because many of them have not yet bought, so one contact can create two transactions. Remember, you only need five to 10 (depending on the price) to earn $100k+ this quarter!
6. Hold effective open houses nearly every weekend during the fourth quarter.
It’s all about choosing the right house, promoting the open house, using good scripts and having relentless lead follow up.
7. Interview For Rent By Owners.
Investors who own single-family or small multifamily units are an amazing source of new listings. This is one of the easiest scripts to learn and polish because it’s a simple business conversation. If the home is vacant and for rent, might the owner rather sell it versus continue to keep it as a rental? Offer to do a free, comparative market analysis so they can make an educated decision and see what that does to their plans. Bonus: Maybe they want to re-invest in different properties with you. Maybe they want to cash out their entire portfolio while prices are high. You won’t know if you don’t ask.
8. Contact small- and medium-sized builders who are building homes on “spec.”
This means they’re speculating that the house will sell. There are many iterations of this, but what works is to identify buildable lots and take them to the small-sized builder. You sell the lot and list the spec home, often bringing the buyer as well.
9. Call those flippers!
Sure, they might sell the home on their own, but flippers often will list with you so you can bring a buyer to them before they’re finished renovating the house. This helps them because they can flip more homes in less time. Meanwhile, while you have it listed and they’re finishing it, the house generates buyer and seller business for you. It’s a win-win for everyone.
10. Build relationships with probate attorneys.
Not many real estate professionals prospect probate leads because they don’t understand them. Probate is simply the process of selling a home after someone passes away. The court appoints an executor of the estate who may then sell the property. If keeping the home in the family is not an option and the executor wishes to cash it out, that’s a listing. Sometimes they’ll re-invest the proceeds in real estate, sometimes it’s just the listing that you’ll sell. Either way, they need someone caring and competent to get the job done.
11. Contact 100% of your professional sphere of influence.
When was the last time your favorite lender sent you leads? When have you asked? Who do they know that is getting pre-qualified right now to buy and has a home to sell? Stagers are also great to know, because smart sellers call a stager first.
12. Connect with investors.
Join your local investors’ club through meetup.com or private Facebook groups in your town. You’ll know who’s looking for what property and which investors will likely sell. This will give you insider information about “pocket” listings, which can benefit your buyers.
13. Knock on doors.
This is not at the top of the list because it generally takes more contacts to secure a listing, but it is still effective when you’re consistent. Door knocking can help you become more comfortable speaking with people about real estate; and many times, you’ll be at the right place at the right time to get listings. Before you go door knocking, choose your neighborhood wisely. Does it turn over much? What’s the average sale price? What’s currently active, pending and recently sold? What’s being built around the neighborhood? Is there new construction nearby? Become the go-to neighborhood specialist, and use good scripts at the door. Start with your own neighborhood, since you already know it well.
For many of you, you’re probably feeling comfortable with at least two or three of the 13 action items. Start with those and drill down to increase your contacts and skill level. Waiting is not profitable, nor is it a plan. #
Tim and Julie Harris are real estate coaches who host a popular podcast called Real Estate Coaching Radio.
“The most successful real estate agents and people I know are ‘shockingly helpful.’ They’re incredibly good at understanding other people and helping them achieve their goals. They know their success is ultimately based on the success of the people around them,” says Lisa Crumby, a writer with Realvolve.com—Start today by helping one person solve a problem.