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New Anti-Squatter Law Infographic Available

House Bill 621 allows property owners to take further action against unauthorized people on their property.

ORLANDO, Fla. – Florida Realtors® created a new infographic to help Realtors® share important information about a new law that gives property owners more rights to remove squatters.

House Bill 621, signed into law in March, allows property owners to request law enforcement remove an unauthorized person from their property. The owner must contact law enforcement and file a complaint to show eligibility. If the officer can verify the complainant’s ownership, the squatter can be removed.

Under the new law, the unauthorized person must have entered and remained on the property and been told by the owner to leave. The alleged squatter cannot be a current or former tenant in a legal dispute.

The law, which was a Florida Realtors 2024 legislative priority, goes into effect on July 1.

Download our free infographic and share it on your social media channels, email newsletters and with your clients.

New Anit-Squatter Law Graphic