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Smartphone Photography Works Great if Done Right

A phone has the capacity to take a great picture if the person behind the phone knows what they’re doing. Lighting, layout and editing can be critical concerns.

NEW YORK – For real estate professionals, a high-quality smartphone is an invaluable resource with a myriad of helpful functions – one of which is to capture marketing images of a property.

Even the most sophisticated device, however, can’t save poor photography, say experts with

For the best shots, they recommend increasing the amount of light in the photo, usually accomplished by turning on all room lights and opening up doors that connect to other rooms.

For exterior images, though, it’s important to cover the lens with one hand to block direct rays from the sun. Although that hand may have to be digitally edited out of the image later, there won’t be any overexposed areas or lens flares to worry about.

For better pictures, also turn off fans and any other moving objects that can cause motion blur. And use HDR bracketing to create a balanced shot without too-dark or too-bright areas, such as capturing an interior room when sunlight is coming through a window.

Editing is also critical after the photoshoot is over, experts advise. It’s used to enhance an image and remove unwanted background items. It’s also the basis for virtual staging if using software to add furniture and other touches.

Source: RISMedia (11/22/23)

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