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Surviving the Shift to a Skills-Based Market

Follow up until people “buy, die or file a restraining order,” says one RE coach – and basic skills aren’t enough to succeed in today’s rapidly changing market.

NEW YORK – Property professionals who got by with basic skills in the past won’t be able to compete today with peers in the high-skills category, warns real estate coach Verl Workman.

Agents “need to be with a broker or team leader where they’re going to give you that skills training, because it will make or break you in this market,” he says.

Those capabilities are important as seasoned agents increasingly sign on with teams that allow them to focus exclusively on selling homes, he says. They may earn less money, but they also don’t have to concern themselves with the other aspects of the job.

Workman encourages realty pros to arm themselves with the important technologies – including REDX, Sisu, and KvCore . They just also analyze their spending to determine which financial investments – client gifts and advertising, for example – are bleeding money and which are paying off.

Among other tips, he advises against focusing on top leads at the expense of slower-moving ones. At Workman Success Systems, he says, “bad” leads do not exist – only buyers who are not quite ready.

“We follow up with people until they buy, die or file a restraining order,” he says.

Source: Inman (10/16/23) Ross, Bernice

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