Two More Private Insurers OK’d to Insure Fla. Homes
Two companies under the Orion180 name were approved this week in another hopeful sign that legislative changes may be having a positive Fla. market impact.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) approved two more private insurance companies as property and casualty insurers in Florida: Orion180 Select Insurance Company and Orion180 Insurance Company.
Four new insurance companies have now recently been approved to operate in Florida following legislative reforms designed to promote market stability.
“OIR has been diligently working to attract more companies, jobs and capital to Florida’s insurance market since the passage of recent legislative reforms,” says Commissioner Michael Yaworsky. “Today’s announcement is another sign that the reforms are having a positive impact on Florida’s insurance market. We look forward to continuing this momentum and giving consumers more options in the market for homeowners insurance.”
Orion180 Select Insurance Company and Orion180 Insurance Company are based in Indiana. They applied to operate in Florida using an expansion application, which companies in good standing in their state of domicile can use to expand business into a uniform state.
Orion180 Select Insurance Company and Orion180 Insurance Company join Mainsail Insurance Company, which was approved by OIR in August, and Tailrow Insurance Company, which was approved by OIR in April.
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