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Spelling on LinkedIn? You’re Doing It Wrong

Some words are hard to spell, but others are just prone to typos in an era of social media speed-typing. A common business mix-up? Relator instead of Realtor.

ORLANDO, Fla. – A study of business misspellings found that many people stumble over the same word, and over 12,000 people turn to Google each month trying to confirm that “managment” is correctly spelled. (It’s not – an “e” needs to added, as in “management.”)

Other words are vaguely correct the study by Preply found, such as “programing” versus “programming.” The latter is most common but the former isn’t incorrect. “Programme” is also used in the United Kingdom, where “programing” is correct but only if used for coding software.

And some words just don’t come out right when typing at the speed of sound. While everyone knows the “I’m” is an abbreviation for “I am,” it often turns up as “Im” on LinkedIn. The study authors say certain words – entrepreneur, management and Realtor (often “relator”) “consistently emerge as common culprits.”

According to Preply language expert Sylvia Johnson. “Frequent misspellings are not necessarily due to specific language rules but rather a combination of factors such as unfamiliarity with spelling patterns, typos and lack of attention to detail. People may prioritize speed and brevity over accuracy. Native speakers learn grammar intuitively, as a result, they may not be aware of specific rules or may not have a deep understanding of them, leading to occasional mistakes.”

For real estate professionals, however, correct English – even if typed quickly – needs to be correct. Correct use of the language makes the writer sound professional; mistakes can suggest that they’re unreliable or sloppy.

Most common misspellings in the real estate industry

  1. Accuqire (Correct: acquire)
  2. Acheived (achieve)
  3. Achive (archive)
  4. Assoications (associations)
  5. Buisness (business)
  6. Commerical (commercial)
  7. Commericial (commercial)
  8. Concieve (conceive)
  9. Devlpmnt (development)
  10. Disapointed (disappointed)

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