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Christine Hansen for NAR first five president. A member-centric leaders working toward the betterment of our industry

Florida Realtors Launches NAR Officer Campaign

Christine Hansen, 2018 Florida Realtors president, is running unopposed for NAR 2025 First Vice President. Share the news on social media – here’s how.

ORLANDO, Fla. – Florida Realtors®’ Leadership Team is “very excited to invite you all to join us in supporting Florida Realtors unopposed endorsed candidate for 2025 NAR First Vice President, Christine Hansen.”

As 2025 first vice president, Hansen would be in line to become NAR president in 2027.

For more information on the campaign, visit The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) also has Hansen’s bio posted on its website.

Social media pages

Members can share the news via social media or using Photofy, a member benefit included with membership.

How to get Photofy

  1. Register for Photofy through the NAR portal.
  2. Download the Photofy app from your mobile device. 
  3. Sign in using your business-registered email address along with the password you created.
  4. Fill out the information on the welcome page so tokens will automatically fill into templates and logos.

 How to edit and share a Template graphic

  1. On the Florida Realtors Photofy homepage, click “photo templates”
  2. Along the top, navigate to the “Christine for NAR” tab
  3. Select your desired template to edit
  4. Once the template is open, click on the black shape to add your headshot. Your name should populate if you filled in the tokens during registration. If not, click the name area to type your name. Click location and designation to add additional details about yourself.
  5. Select the large text box that starts with “this is why …” to add a sentence or two about why you support Christine.
  6. Once you’ve edited all your details, click done.
  7. On the sharing screen, select your desired social platform and share with your audience.

 How to select and share a Quick Share graphic

  1. On the Florida Realtors Photofy homepage, click “quick share”
  2. Along the top, navigate to the “Christine for NAR” tab
  3. Select your desired social graphic
  4. On the sharing screen, select your desired social platform and share with your audience.

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