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Potential Clients Trust a ‘Thought Leader’

A real estate “thought leader” sees the big picture and couples their worldly perspective with RE insights. The result: People trust their judgment and seek them out.

NEW YORK – Real estate information is a Google click away in the digital age and easily found by consumers, so it’s essential for agents to stand out. One way is by focusing on thought leadership, where agents leverage their expertise, influence and insight to create a sense of trust and credibility.

To be seen as a thought leader, agents need to share insightful content that engages, educates and inspires others. These agents can often be seen shaping industry trends while raising their professional standing – and prospective clients more likely trust and choose agents who have become established authorities in their field.

To be seen as a thought leader, agents need to create compelling blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts and social media posts. The content should deal with the target audience’s concerns and questions and provide actionable information.

Agents should also stay current on the latest real estate news and participate in industry events, seminars and workshops as attendees, speakers or hosts. The goal is to share knowledge, network with other professionals and stay updated on industry trends. Agents could also collaborate with other industry leaders though joint projects, webinars or content.

To overcome time constraints and other obstacles to producing consistent, quality content, agents should consider delegating tasks, collaborating with other professionals and using content planning tools.

It’s also important to remember that consistency and patience are necessary for becoming a thought leader. It’s not a tool that provides instant leads; it’s a long-term tool for creating a feeder line of return customers and new leads.

Source: Realty Biz News (06/15/2023) Shepardson, Ben

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