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How the Agent Launch Platform Can Supercharge Sales

Agent Launch aims to help real estate professionals generate a consistent stream of high-quality leads through paid Google Ads.

When John Garuti started building Team John Garuti – eXp Realty in Punta Gorda last year, he knew it would be essential to provide his agents with good leads.

“I have five agents on my team now, and if I’m not feeding them good leads, they’re not going to stick with me,” Garuti explains. While searching Google, he stumbled upon a platform called Agent Launch.

Photo of John Garuti
John Garuti

Agent Launch was formed in 2020 by Eric Preston, CEO of Agent Launch, a licensed agent himself, with the goal of helping other real estate professionals generate a consistent stream of high-quality leads through paid Google Ads.

But generating leads is only the half of it, Garuti says. The platform also collaborates with subscriber agents to craft a series of custom YouTube videos designed to foster trust with those leads—and manages all the ancillary pieces, like providing technical support, training and setting up systems.

Moreover, it teaches subscriber agents how to build leveraged client acquisition systems they own instead of rent.

Since the cost of the platform depends on each agent’s or team’s unique needs, potential subscribers must book a call via the website  to obtain pricing information.

Garuti, who has established a lucrative niche in Babcock Ranch’s single-family new-construction market in just under three years in the business, credits Agent Launch with helping him get to the next level.

“Leveraging Agent Launch is like having your own marketing powerhouse working for you all the time,” he says, citing that in 2022 he closed about 74 transactions totaling $38 million in volume.

Here’s how Garuti and his team use the platform:

1. Targeted Google Ads

The platform helps Garuti boost his search engine ranking by implementing targeted ads featuring carefully chosen keywords that appeal to his intended audience: homebuyers and sellers in Babcock Ranch, Cape Coral, Punta Gorda and Fort Myers.

The platform takes care of setting up and managing both his Google Ads and his ad spend. It even builds his website landing pages tailormade for his farm area.

“Whenever someone searches for ‘Babcock Ranch’ on Google, my ads frequently appear,” he continues. “There are competitors, so my ads don’t always show up [at the top], but they do make an appearance quite often. I’ve tested other [options] that didn’t work, so I feel the more specific you are with your landing pages and the ads you run, the better your chances of converting those leads.”

According to Agent Launch, Garuti can expect about 30% of the leads that come in to result in sales within six months. The other 70% typically lead to a sale after six months.

2. Create a YouTube channel

Agent Launch encourages subscribers to supplement their branding efforts with a YouTube channel. Garuti stresses the importance of picking a catchy name for the channel that uses popular search phrases.

It’s also essential to add relevant keywords to titles, descriptions and tags for better visibility in the search engines. Since January 2020, his “Team John Garuti - Living in SW Florida” YouTube channel has amassed 1,100 subscribers, and his videos have more than 125,000 collective views.

“Don’t worry so much about the production quality of your video; worry about the information you’re sharing with people. When people see your videos they’re going to trust and like you and want to use you.”

The platform helps him maintain a consistent video posting schedule, engage with his audience and promote his channel.

3. Nuture leads

Preston points out a common mistake agents make: investing in one lead generation program after another without considering the importance of nurturing those leads.

Thinking long-term is critical because real estate has a lengthy sales cycle.

“Agent Launch has been super helpful because I can use all my videos to follow up with and nurture the leads coming in,” Garuti says. “It takes skill to get an online lead on the phone, build rapport and follow up until they’re ready to buy a house. My team and I role-play all the time using written scripts and a playbook I put together on handling rejections. It’s like building muscle memory. The more you do it, the easier it is to convert leads.”

“I’ve got nothing but positive things to say about it. Now I’m confident that I can start expanding into other areas and build a bigger team throughout the general Southwest Florida corridor.”

Leslie C. Stone is a Vero Beach-based freelance writer.