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Are You an Entrepreneur or Employee?

Many new Realtors had a boss before they became an independent contractor, and it takes a while to adopt the “I’m in charge of everything” mindset.

NEW YORK – A key issue facing new real estate agents is embracing “I’m my own boss” after their last job’s “I work regular hours and report to a supervisor.” A new agent needs to stop thinking like an employee and focus on developing the mindset of an entrepreneur.

Agents’ schedules need to be flexible and arranged based on a balance of personal and work priorities. They can start by defining their non-negotiables, such as children that must be picked up from school at a specific time or support groups that meet on the same evening each week.

After about five to seven years, agents generally understand the flow of an entrepreneur, and they become selective about which clients they take on and when they meet with them.

It’s also essential to work on having conversations, which can include cold-calling. But there is no one-size-fits-all. Agents should assess their scripts after each call and customize them to suit their personality.

Social media marketing is important, but agents shouldn’t focus on the internet and forget how to engage with people. Entrepreneurs build their business by getting into the community, talking to people in person, and practicing scripts to get leads.

Source: Inman (06/13/23) Lopez, Elisha

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