Pet-Friendly Marketing Can Pay Off
For many buyers, “Rover will love the fenced-in backyard” can be the difference between continued scrolling or scheduling a showing.
CHICAGO – Real estate professionals increasingly cater to animal lovers through pet-friendly marketing efforts.
Some agents, for example, include photos of themselves with their pets on business cards, in online listings and via marketing content.
“Given the increased share of pets in households and the increased time and resources spent on pets, it is no surprise some homebuyers consider their pets the most important factor when making home buying decisions,” writes Jessica Lautz at the National Association of Realtors®. “Factors such as proximity to the vet and outdoor space for pets is important for buyers.”
Real estate agent Adie Kriegstein of Compass in New York uses her white Labrador Retriever Philbin as part of her marketing routine. “As a dog owner, the warmer months are a great time to get out there and meet other dog owners,” she says. “I am always sharing my market knowledge of construction in the area, and I have business cards advertising that I am a ‘pet-friendly specialist’ here in the city.”
Kriegstein also says dog training classes are good “soft sell” opportunities for agents to interact with like-minded individuals and make them aware of their occupation.
Source: Realtor Magazine (05/04/23) Tracey, Melissa Dittmann
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