Marketing Tip: Befriend a Real Estate Influencer
A real estate influencer has lots of followers and can steer industry conversations. By joining in, you gain respect and can attract more potential leads.
NEW YORK – Real estate professionals can strengthen their brand and grow their business by working with real estate influencers online or in their local community.
Influencers are individuals or organizations that have a large social media following nationally or locally. They can be anyone – real estate agents, brokers, investors, developers or bloggers – who specializes in the real estate industry. The only must-have key is the number of people who read or watch what they produce.
To build a relationship with influencers, agents need to regularly engage with them and provide value, such as sharing their expertise, providing valuable insights or offering free services. Agents can also invite influencers to speak at their events, sponsor their posts or offer them a platform to promote their brand.
To make this work, agents must be authentic and genuine in their approach, personalizing their messages and comments to show that they’ve done your research and understand their interests and values. The aim is to build a long-term relationship.
After working with an influencer, it’s important to follow up with them and stay in touch. It could include sending them a personalized thank-you message, providing them updates on the business, or offering to meet with them again in the future.
Source: RealtyBizNews (05/03/23)
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