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16 Business-Boosting Ideas for Realtors to Do Right Now

It’s never too late to learn a new trick, right? Schedule these ideas into your workday, and you’ll be ready to meet the needs of today’s customers and your future business.

The list of business and marketing activities real estate professionals are supposed to be doing is endless. However, there are some activities that are vital to your success. We rounded up the top, non-negotiable actions you can take today to set your business up for success.

1. Update your database weekly.

You’re talking with new people each week. Don’t procrastinate. Add new contacts, update old contacts and gather as much information as you can to complete each entry. Set aside at least an hour each week to do so.

2. Get on the phone.

Take time each day to call at least five people from your database to find out how they are doing. Many will be working from home, which will improve your ability to reach them.

3. Deliver care packages.

Put together inexpensive care packages that include basics such as paper towels, toilet paper, bottled water and more to deliver to neighbors who are elderly and at-risk. Attach a note with your business card to the package and leave it at the door. 

4. Update your business plan.

Have you procrastinated writing that business plan, or does it need an update? Now is the time to set three goals, then break those goals down into action plans. For tips on building a business plan, go to “5 Elements of a Successful Business Plan” in the January/February 2020
issue of Florida Realtor magazine at
business plan.

5. Brush up on social media. 

Experiment with TikTok, post Instagram Stories, learn how to use Facebook Live, Instagram TV and more. There’s no better day than today to get a handle on your social media. Check out what other real estate agents are doing for ideas. 

6. Create virtual showings and tours.

Many real estate professionals are already doing virtual tours. However, now is the time to learn how to film a live virtual showing. Go to your listings, turn on all the lights and open the doors, then start filming. Begin by walking through the front door and go through the house. Describe all of the features, including the size of rooms, and the yard, patio or pool area. 

7. Develop showing protocols.

There’s no doubt that the way real estate is shown is changing. Write up a list of showing protocols that include how to disinfect frequently touched areas, safety action plans, virtual tours and more. 

8. Try virtual networking.

Do you belong to networking groups? Encourage them to schedule video conference calls. Haven’t joined one? Build your own with agents, mortgage, title professionals and others in the real estate industry. Send them a calendar invite with a link to join the meeting. Create an agenda that helps the meeting flow. Remember, keep it to less than an hour. At the end of the meeting, you can initiate and schedule another meeting. You might develop a group for the long haul, and it could become a business.

9. Deliver a webinar.

Schedule a webinar that offers potential homebuyers sound advice on what the market looks like today. Or, consider targeting specific groups, such as first-time homebuyers, investors and more. Narrow down a topic and send out an invite. Then, add the attendees to your database. Maybe you can develop a series of webinars and provide one every week. At the end of your first webinar, ask your audience if there are other related topics that they would be interested in learning about. That’s your next webinar!

10. Start a blog.

Sit down and make a list of all the things you think prospects want to know about buying and selling real estate. Then, write blog posts that offer solid information about those topics. Consider adding posts that focus on your local community, such as a neighborhood spotlight or a restaurant review. Make a list of all the restaurants in the neighborhood that deliver. Then, share that post to your social media platforms and generate more buzz and feedback.

11. Initiate a virtual meeting.

Who are the top 50 people in your database who can help you grow your business? Initiate a virtual meeting with them either online or on the phone to discuss how you might be a resource to them. Put the emphasis on how you can learn and help one another, rather than on convincing them to buy or sell a home. Develop the relationship and send them tidbits of information related to what you gleaned they needed most, such as a list of painters or an article on refinancing.

12. Send targeted emails.

Develop a more strategic and intentional email campaign to reach your farm. This means sending different, personalized emails to groups of people rather than one blanket email to your entire database. Provide value by offering information to them based on how you categorize them. For example, move-up buyers may need information on the value of their home. Renters might need help calculating how much home they can afford.

13. Practice podcasts.

Podcasts are a popular way to get information to an audience in a fun and innovative way. Start a podcast channel where you highlight different communities, interview community leaders and local businesspeople or provide information about buying and selling a home. You can also post the podcasts to your social media and blog. Another idea? Using Amazon Echo to record daily Flash Briefings. 

14. Invest in online education.

Florida Realtors offers many different online classes. Information can be found at Binge-watch Florida Realtors Take 5 videos, which offer peer-to-peer strategies for marketing, technology and business. Many coaches offer free virtual learning sessions as well.

15. Review your brokerage’s tech tools.

Many brokerages offer a plethora of valuable technology tools to help you organize your business. Take time to see what’s offered and learn how to use them. Also, check out the tools that Florida Realtors and your local association offer.

16. Clean up your website.

Most agents aren’t doing their own websites, but there could be outdated information on your site that your web host doesn’t know about. Review your website and make a list of any changes.

By taking some time each week to perform maintenance and learn new skills, you can build an engine that will keep you sustained no matter the market conditions.

Tracey C. Velt is a contributing editor for Florida Realtor magazine.