News Archive

HUD says steps it took to protect homeowners with an FHA loan during the pandemic helped up to 274K Floridians and up to 2M Americans avoid foreclosure.


When leading a team, social media posts should make members feel seen and appreciated, and show a commitment to people as they build a personal brand.


Florida Realtors economist: For do-it-yourself moves, Fla. ranks second in the number of new entrants. Do-it-all movers rank Fla. as one of only four “inbound states.”


The top reason to advertise on Meta, parent company to Facebook and Instagram? A lot of people go there each day – like 30M of them.


FICO study: While credit scores empower users to secure loans or get better interest rates, some people view them almost like a test, and an “A” grade provides security.


CFPB: Websites that claim mortgage lenders “compete for your business” likely break federal laws under RESPA if all the participating lenders pay a fee to be there.


Fifteen Realtors from across the state will enhance their leadership skills and learn more about Florida Realtors through a number of activities and sessions.


Buyers who wait for more inventory, lower interest rates or something else may never own a home. And given history, 2023 is a pretty good year to commit.


Florida Realtors economist: It will cost buyers more each month to pay a mortgage than rent – but that ignores the advantages and increased savings of ownership.


When does a seller’s obligation to disclose hidden defects kick in? That might be the wrong question. Here’s why that approach seems to miss the mark – and why many people correctly embrace the mantra disclose, disclose, disclose.
