News Archive

Middle-income buyers can afford 23% of current listings; 5 years ago, they could afford 50%. Households making up to $75K need more homes at $256K or below.


The Florida Legislature has taken steps to reduce insurance litigation, and it may be helping. The Fla.-operated “insurer of last resort” saw a decrease in 1Q lawsuits.


The percentage of U.S. cash sales in April hit its highest level since 2014. In Fla., it ranges from 35.1% in Orlando up to 53.6% in West Palm Beach.


Every buyer should be warned upfront about potential wire scams related to closing, but agents should warn customers about other potential scams too.


Canadian tourists are returning to Fla. as COVID and visa problems fade away. The number of visiting Canadians has hit pre-pandemic levels in the past few months.


Many people qualify for an FHA loan but don’t realize it. They’re not just for first-time buyers, student loans aren’t dealbreakers and there are no income limits.


The 2023 award is for excellence in the print magazine category. Florida Realtors shares “this outstanding recognition with members across Florida,” says Pres. Mike McGraw.


Hashtags have outsized importance on Instagram since it’s largely a visual platform. Great hashtag choices will make your content more visible.


The state-run “insurer of last resort” has seen its number of policies surge to 1.3M, but it plans to move up to 26K of those to private companies later this summer.


One nonprofit formed 82 Fla. solar co-ops so far. Each offers bulk discounts and oversees details under a single umbrella, making it easy for homeowners to sign on.
