Legal News Archive

It may be tempting to get a listing signed quickly, but some situations require you to ask questions and be patient to ensure that someone officially authorized to sign a listing agreement does so.


The Fair Housing Act was signed into law 55 years ago this month – 56 years ago, it was legal to redline races and tell protected classes where they could/could not live.


Dear Shannon: A listing broker allowed a buyer to tour a vacant property they listed for the seller who was out of town. It’s a common practice, everybody does it, and the potential buyer did no harm. Why is this a violation?


What can you do/not do when a listing gets appraised? The answers are out there, though some members don’t call Florida Realtors Legal Hotline until something has gone wrong.


Is it OK to “share” another broker’s listing on social media? If you’re showing someone else’s listing to interested buyers, is it OK to livestream the tour or record a video? In some cases, the answer is, “it depends.” In other cases, it’s “no.”


Yes, in certain instances, foreign investors may avoid (or minimize) FIRPTA when they sell. Here’s what you need to know.


In Fla., 7 agencies get part of the $2.9M under 12 grants. The money fights discrimination, and includes funds to private investigators for “testing and enforcement.”


A rule changed in 2020 was reinstated. As a result, HUD still considers “disparate impact” and “perpetuation of segregation” illegal forms of discrimination.


A Newsday report on Long Island, N.Y., housing discrimination led the state’s attorney general to investigate. This week she announced a settlement with Coldwell Banker.


The agencies’ “statement of interest” in an appraisal bias court case says lenders can’t rely on an appraisal if they knew, or should have known, it was discriminatory.
