Florida Realtors® convention sponsor purchase form

Secure your sponsorship!

With more than 4,000 attendees, the Florida Realtors Annual Convention & Trade Expo is a prime audience for products and services like yours. The event attracts our most active and engaged members. As a convention sponsor, you have an opportunity to connect with these potential customers before and during the event, reinforcing your brand as their best choice.

Use the form on this page to secure and purchase your sponsorship package. 


If you need assistance, please contact Jody MacKenzie at jodym@floridarealtors.org.

Company Information

Contact Information

Your information (person filling out this form)

Alternative Contact Information

Someone else in your office who can answer questions if you are out of the office

Will you be the coordinator for the event (responsible for sending all deliverables such as logos, advertising assets, etc.)?

Please provide coordinator contact information below

Will you be the person for any billing questions that may come up?

Please provide billing contact information below

Word Count:  

Please Select Sponsorship From the Pulldown Menu

Convention Sponsorship Level
Agreement for Sponsors
You must read and scroll to the bottom of the agreement shown below before signing the signature field.
You must read and scroll to the bottom of the agreement shown below before signing the signature field.
Amount Due:
Please choose from one of the available payment options below

Billing Information

Accepted payment methods